Wednesday, December 15, 2010

reverse graffiti:


  1. Haha I love them! Such a great concept. The Lincoln Memorial picture I think was my favorite....they are all great really! Did you draw in everything yourself??

  2. Rad idea. It amazes me what graffiti artists are capable of sometimes. My favorite is also the Lincoln one. The tag on the right looks really good and real. I think if you would have tried to add a little bit of texture to the Monument one it would have worked more.

  3. I really like your idea I would just like to see more of them because we already talked about two of them in class. I like the first one but I don't see the graffiti and it stands out a lot from the other images.

  4. What I enjoyed most about this project was your sense of playfulness, Flora. That really comes through in the art itself. Also, I see some clear progress, in terms of the details, from when we first saw the drafts last week. Neat idea to "reverse" the graffiti in the final image! Hey, do you think Photoshop could work on some of the walls in my neighborhood!?

  5. Great job flora. It's an interesting idea. With the abraham picture, I'm guessing you put the cloud up on there, which looks like it was there. That one seems to have been a success. Also the berlin wall was done very well. Looks perfect to me. I imagine that could have been hard to do. Very neat idea and it was well accomplished. Good job.
